You may have heard the words “We are spirits having a human experience” or “We are humans having a spiritual experience” used to describe our time here on Earth. I believe in the prior statement… but what does that mean exactly? To me it means that we are comprised of both energy (soul, spirit, source, etc.) and matter (what I lovingly refer to as our meat suits).
Our outlooks, perceptions and behaviors determine what frequency we’re on. What I mean by this is that if we are in a state of fear, anger, resentment, etc., it will lower our frequency. If we perceive life as cruel, shitty, hopeless etc., this will lower our frequency as well. Thus, when we are happy, optimistic and have a positive perception of life, it raises our vibration.
It is important to note that not only do we typically cycle through higher and lower frequencies throughout the day- think having a great meditation session and then losing your shit because you’re stuck in traffic. But it’s critical to note that people on a higher frequency are no better than those on a lower frequency; they are simply in a different place. It’s also worth noting that the mere act of judging other peoples’ vibration will in turn lower your own frequency!
Paying attention to what vibration I’m on, as well as other people, helps me have a better understanding not only of myself, but the people I’m interacting with. Have you ever just met someone and although they’ve done nothing to you, you don’t much care for them? I’ve had instances where the person was nothing but nice to me, yet I never felt comfortable around them. I can almost always trace this disconnect back to us being on separate frequencies. At the same time, there are those moments when you barely know someone, but you feel instantly connected, as if you’ve known them for years! Odds are, you’re on the same frequency.
I remember a couple years ago when my dad wrote me a letter disowning me. We had never been close, as we always seemed to look at life differently. Because of this, we couldn’t relate and therefore, were clearly on different frequencies. After reading his letter, I concluded that in order to engage with him, I would have to lower my frequency to a level that was unacceptable to me. Therefore, I chose the path of least resistance and I released both him and myself by not responding.
There are times when interacting with someone means choosing between staying on a higher vibration or lowering it. I personally love engaging with people who raise my vibration. These individuals are typically inspirational, positive and always trying to live their best life- despite what hand they’ve been dealt. I try to limit the amount of time I engage with low vibration people. This doesn’t mean avoiding friends or loved ones who are going through a rough time, however, I do require that they are wanting and on some level, trying to feel better. Giving your energy to those who insist on living a low frequency existence can and will drain the life out of you if you’re not careful!
So, what are ways one can raise their vibration? The simple answer is engaging in activities or with people that add meaning and or joy to your life. It can be as involved as traveling the world or as simple as coffee with a friend. Maybe it’s a nice dinner and a yummy dessert, or perhaps a scenic hike in nature. Whatever your method, just be sure that you are in control- not the other way around, and that the intention behind it is a positive one. This can be the difference between having a drink to unwind or celebrate, versus drinking to numb yourself from a bad day- I have certainly been guilty of numbing myself with alcohol, drugs and food in the past. Of course, this will require that you’re honest with yourself- deep down you likely know why you partake in the things you do.
The beauty of it is that ultimately, we control our frequency. Like anything worthwhile, it isn’t always easy, but to me, a high frequency existence is synonymous with a high quality existence. When it’s all said and done, isn’t that what most of us are searching for?