The Law Of Attraction Loophole

20 Aug

I first encountered the principle of The Law Of Attraction in 2009, a few years after the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne came out. Oprah was touting it at the time, so naturally, I had to see what all the fuss was about! As I voraciously consumed the content of that 2006 documentary, I remember thinking how revolutionary it felt at the time. Never before had the concept of our thoughts and actions being sources of energy occurred to me. Add to that, the notion that like a boomerang, that same energy frequency that you put out into the world is what you will bring back to yourself.

 I know what you’re thinking, duh, we’ve all heard the Golden Rule of “Do unto others…” But the fact that your very own thoughts can change your energy vibration and create a sort of karmic response from the Universe? That was fascinating to me! Furthermore, it felt empowering- like I had some control over the course of my life; all I had to do was think positive thoughts and do good deeds and countless desirable outcomes would inevitably find their way to me.

And if you’re also thinking we should just try to be decent human beings because it’s the right thing to do- not because of some reward or payoff, I agree wholeheartedly with that as well. However, to me, The Law Of Attraction philosophy really seemed like a win-win for everyone!

Now, after almost fifteen years of being mindful of this Law, there are two things that stand out to me: One is that now more than ever, putting love and positivity out into the world is not only relevant, but essential in terms of raising our vibration and the vibration of those around us. How much does it mean to you when someone lets you into their lane when there’s construction, or when a stranger gives you a compliment? Consequently, how do you feel when you get that wave of appreciation, or see the smile you put on another person’s face? It doesn’t take much at all for someone’s kindness to have a profound impact on another being.

Second, is what I see as an actual downside to The Law Of Attraction, at least the one I keep running into: If we are destined to receive the energy we put out, what happens when we’re struggling with grief, depression, etc? How can one recover while being weighed down by not only their own negative energy, but the notion that they’re doing this to themselves? My therapist refers to this as cosmic scorekeeping- a fictitious notion that feeling bad causes karmic retribution to unfold.

(Before I delve further into this, please note that I am not an expert on this topic, merely one person with an opinion on it.)  

However, it was important to me to find a way to reconcile this conflict I had with this much beloved principle. What I landed on is that I believe in a higher power which I call the Universe (you can call it whatever you please), and that this higher power loves me and is constantly conspiring on my behalf in ways I can’t even comprehend, and therefore would never allow such low moments to be held against me. 

Have you heard of the concept of accepting an apology you never received and/or creating closure for yourself? When I feel too down to put the kind of energy out into the world I wish to, I give myself a free pass to heal as my own form of emotional closure because as I’ve learned the hard way, shame is a terrible motivator- in that it has the opposite effect and will sabotage you every time! 

This principle is what I refer to as The Law Of Attraction Loophole.  

So please, feel free to give yourself the gift of grace whenever it applies to you, and try your best to stay strong, stay kind, and do your damnedest to get and remain high (vibrationally) 🙂